
A Big Universe

The vastness of space is probably something most people don’t spend a lot of time thinking about. We know it’s a big universe out there, but since that doesn’t affect putting food on the table, how we’re going to pass this week’s exam, who has the cheapest gas, or anything else in everyday life, who cares, right? After all, we have enough to deal with on this side of the atmosphere without having to worry about what’s happening billions of…

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God and Aliens

Can a Christian believe there is other intelligent life in the universe? Most Christians who accept the authority of Scripture would probably say no. God and aliens do not mix. Theologically conservative churches usually teach that mankind is alone in the universe. God made man and woman on Earth, and it is highly unlikely that He would have created beings on other planets, or even animals or plants. Earth is all there is, and we should feel special about that.…

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May Eden Be with You

Yeah…may Eden be with you. I like the sound of that. So, I’m sitting here in front of a computer screen, listening to some great “epic battle music” (I’m a movie and game soundtrack fanatic), and trying hard not to write a blog post regarding “May the Fourth Be with You” and the modern Star Wars universe. It would be so easy to do for this recovering Star Wars fan. Why do I say “recovering?” Because after 45 years of…

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Living in the Future? Stop!

You’d think that for a science fiction writer living in the future would be a good thing. I mean, sci-fi is all about futuristic stuff, isn’t it? Well, not always, but this genre does usually imagine dazzling worlds and life in distant future times. Imagining what could come in the future makes for some good storytelling. This is all in the realm of the imagination, and there is certainly nothing wrong with future-thinking when you set out to craft a…

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Off to a Good Start

Fundraising for Planet of Eden is off to a good start! To date, my crowdfunding video has been viewed 142 times and I’ve been getting some great feedback on it. I’m so proud of the effort my whole family put into making that video. There’s more of that to come, too, so stay tuned. I want to say another special thanks to those who are now in the Edenite Inner Circle (EIC): You’re awesome! Thank you so much for your…

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Fundraising: Let’s Publish Together

It’s finally fundraising time for Planet of Eden! I’ve completed the manuscript. Next, I’ll be hiring professional artists to enhance the book by adding artistic elements and special media. When they’re done, it will truly be a story you will read…and also experience. Can I count on you, fellow Edenites, to financially support this project? Your donations will kick-start this effort and ensure that I can pay for top-notch art and supportive marketing materials. To reward your generosity, I’ll add…

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Even If It Takes Time

I’m guessing many of those who usually scoff at New Year’s resolutions probably made some for 2022. Why? Because, like the rest of us, they’re hoping for some good changes. And hope doesn’t sit around waiting; it sets goals and works to achieve them, even if it takes time. I’ll say more about that below, but first I want to update you with some great news about Planet of Eden! Since you’ve been following this blog, you know I’ve been…

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A Special Christmas Star

People often accuse science fiction writers of living with their heads in the stars. To prove them right, I thought I’d write briefly about a very special star that appears during the Christmas season. Have you ever wondered why we put a star on top of our Christmas trees? I know, some people put an angel on top, but I’m talking about stars. Like most of our Christmas traditions, the star has deep meaning, especially for those of us who…

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Happy Thanksgiving!

This is just a simple post to wish all of my Edenite Family a very happy, and blessed, Thanksgiving Day! This is a time to express gratitude for the good things we have, and no matter what is happening in your life right now, you can always find something for which to be thankful. I’m reminded today of that iconic character, John Carter, in Edgar Rice Burroughs’ famous classic science fiction series. No matter what Burroughs threw Carter into—no matter…

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Eden Book Cover

Greetings, Edenites! Despite being immersed in the final edits of Planet of Eden, I found a little time to work on the book cover design again. If you remember, my first mock-up included a stylized female face—almost like a watercolor portrait—against a semitransparent space background. I liked the concept, but really wanted to use a photo of the lovely Leslie Craven from our photo shoot back in January. So, I reached out to Amy at Pretty Sleepy Art, who created…

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