

Are you in the habit of doing a regular check-in with yourself? Taking a few moments to ask you how things are going is a healthy way to reset your day. Think about it. You often ask others how they are doing. And friends and family probably check in on you every now and then, asking how you are doing. But when was the last time you did a personal check-in? For me, it could look something like this: I…

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Inspired to Create

I have always been fascinated with how people become inspired to create things. “What made them think of that?” I often ask. At a young age, I remember visiting museums during school field trips and marveling not just at the works of art, but also that someone could translate a creative idea into a tangible thing of beauty. This weekend, my two sons and I visited the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum in nearby Nashville, Tennessee. What a…

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When It Hits You

The joy of accomplishment sure is a good feeling when it hits you. Usually you feel it right away, but sometimes it can take a while to catch up. That is what I experienced today with Planet of Eden. You would think after having written, edited, and proofread the manuscript, designed the pages, did the layout, photographed and designed the cover, published the book as an independent author, directed a book trailer, and then engaged in an ambitious marketing campaign…

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A Sign

There have been so many times in my life when all I wanted was to see a sign that things would change. I am sure you can relate. All it takes is one big crisis. You are faced with a major decision, you don’t know what to do, and you become confused, frightened, and full of doubt. Then, as a last resort, you send a prayer up to Heaven like this: “God, if you would just show me a sign,…

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Real Men

Besides creating a gripping story, realistic characters, and fantastic worlds, when writing my new novel, Planet of Eden, I also wanted to include themes that would be both familiar and challenging. One such theme is the idea of men being “real men.” I have admitted that I am a fan of classic love stories, and, in my opinion, there is nothing more romantic than a man expressing his love to a woman through his innate strength and manhood. Whether by…

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Dependent on Independence

I have met many people who tell me in either words or body language that they value their independence above all else. When self-reliance becomes our highest ideal, though, is that not being dependent on independence? On the eve of Independence Day here in the US, I am especially drawn to this idea. Independence implies liberty. Whether as a nation or an individual, to be dependent on no one means having total freedom. When our freedom is threatened, we tend…

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The Best is Yet to Come

A few weeks ago, I stretched myself creatively by singing a classic Frank Sinatra song at karaoke night: “The Best is Yet to Come.” Until then, my singing repertoire included mostly classic rock and modern country music. It was time, however, for me to try something different, and this song had a message for me. For the past year, I have been using three things as healthy distractions to help me overcome grief: singing, learning to play the guitar, and…

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Find a Better Planet

Are you ready to “find a better planet?” Planet of Eden officially launches today! Available on Amazon and through booksellers everywhere, this novel will transport you to a world where the impossible is possible, perfection has been preserved, and the lost can be found. Experience this story of adventure through the eyes of its characters. A secret alien mission. An accidental abduction. A forced trip to an unbelievable world. If Eden still existed, would you want to find it? This…

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People Love UFOs

Why another book about UFOs and alien abductions? That’s easy: people love UFOs. We enjoy the mysterious. We like to speculate and dream. We wonder what else might be beyond our beautiful, blue planet. Yes, the UFO craze is still alive and well, my friends. I have been writing about it in this blog for several years now. That is partly from a personal fascination, but I also do it to show how UFOs are still a hot topic. My…

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Here It Comes

Many authors describe publishing a book in terms of pregnancy; you have conception, gestation, development, labor, and then—“Here it comes!”—the birth. I’ve been through two pregnancies and have two wonderful sons to show for it. Alright, so I was not the one who actually carried them for nine months, but, as a father, I had an important role to play just the same. Today, I am the one giving birth—to a 500-page novel that was conceived nearly twenty years ago,…

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