The joy of accomplishment sure is a good feeling when it hits you. Usually you feel it right away, but sometimes it can take a while to catch up. That is what I experienced today with Planet of Eden.
You would think after having written, edited, and proofread the manuscript, designed the pages, did the layout, photographed and designed the cover, published the book as an independent author, directed a book trailer, and then engaged in an ambitious marketing campaign that the enormity of what I did would have hit me by now. In some ways it has, but mostly I have been too busy pushing forward to enjoy it.
Today, though, I got to see my first novel being displayed on the shelf of a major bookstore, and I think that sense of accomplishment finally hit me.
As a brick-and-mortar bookstore aficionado, I have always felt that seeing my book on a shelf would represent ultimate success. Oh, I do appreciate the online realm, but there is something unique about walking into a store and seeing your own work included with so many others. It must be like how a chef feels when he sees people enjoying his creations. Or like how a mom feels when her child makes a breakthrough discovery. You know how satisfaction feels when it hits you. When is the last time you stopped to really bask in it?
So, I wanted to share this feeling with you as I continue to beam. Planet of Eden is now on the Local Authors shelf and Science Fiction shelf at Half Price Books (HPB) in Nashville, Tennessee! According to their website, HPB is “America’s largest family-owned retailer for new and used books with a bustling website and more than 100 brick-and-mortar stores nationwide.” The Nashville store did not disappoint! My two sons and I ended up walking in with some copies of Eden and walking out with armloads of Christmas presents for ourselves!
Thank you, HPB, for supporting local authors like me. I look forward to doing some book signing events there very soon.
Project Eden continues, friends! My relocation to Tennessee only slowed me down a little. Meanwhile, I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with hope and love. Look ahead to 2025 with hopeful anticipation. God is going to do great things for you. Your job is to just keep being an awesome you!
Congratulations, Dan. SO fun to see this. Too bad the goofs had to ruin your beautiful cover art with the price sticker/bar code. Note to employees – it goes on the lower left corner of the back cover NOT over the book title, LOL! Hope you and yours are thriving in the frozen tundra of Nashville. Merry Christmas and all the best in 2025.
Thank you! Yeah, I’m just happy to see it in a brick-and-mortar bookstore! I’m already starting to plan an author event there, but I want to make a splash–not just some dude sitting behind a table with a stack of books. You know my marketing background; I’m all about going big or going home. Here’s looking forward to a propulsive 2025!