Do you believe words are important? As a communicator and writer, I’ve always had respect for proper language, good vocabulary, and using the right words. When you get lazy with your words, you risk miscommunication, failing to deliver your message, and also appearing unintelligent. Just think back to the last argument you had with someone. Could it have been avoided if one or both of you would have chosen your words more carefully? Probably. Words really do matter.
I like this proverb from the Bible: “The one who guards his mouth and tongue keeps himself out of trouble” (Proverbs 21:23). You can also apply that to writing. Have you ever typed a letter, email, text, or DM out of anger? Maybe you typed it just to vent, not meaning to really send it, but then you accidently went through with it. Just like words from your mouth, the words from your thoughts—put into writing—can also get you into trouble.
I’ve been thinking a lot about using the right words because I’m doing the final edits for my novel Planet of Eden. It’s been a grueling process, but it has also taught me much about choosing words wisely. I want you as the reader to experience a great story—easy to read but not dumbed down, descriptive yet not pretentious. I also want the dialogue in the story to be realistic, yet respectful. In my books, you will not see profanity. Like the famous Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky said: “Strength does not need swearing.”
I was taught that reading increases one’s vocabulary and makes one intelligent. Obviously, that depends on what you read. It is true, however, that the more you read the better your speech and writing become. Reading is a learning experience, just like writing (and editing). If you want to be a better writer, then, read…a lot. I will also give you the same advice one of my college professors gave me: If you want to affect the world…write. I thought about that advice for many years before I finally decided to pursue writing as a career. It’s profoundly true, especially today when what we write can be read instantly all over the world. Yes, if you want to affect the world…write. Just make sure you’re using the right words.
Stay safe and stay creative, my friends!
Wow! We just had our first discipleship meeting tonight and words were a primary topic of discussion! Well said Dan!
Super! This is especially needed in our current environment of division and distrust. Where communication breaks down, there can be no unity. Choosing the right words can soothe and heal. “Blessed are the peacemakers…”