A few weeks ago, I stretched myself creatively by singing a classic Frank Sinatra song at karaoke night: “The Best is Yet to Come.” Until then, my singing repertoire included mostly classic rock and modern country music. It was time, however, for me to try something different, and this song had a message for me.

For the past year, I have been using three things as healthy distractions to help me overcome grief: singing, learning to play the guitar, and working out. All three have been creative outlets, therapy, and challenges as I have navigated my changed life.
Singing was not new to me; I have sung for years, but only as backup in a duo or as part of a group. Only twice in my life have I ever soloed. So, to challenge myself and come out of my shell, I began attending karaoke nights. If you have ever been to karaoke, you know it is a safe place for amateurs. In fact, it’s not really about having to sound great. Rather, karaoke is about being brave, expressing yourself, and challenging yourself. If you end up sounding wonderful, that’s a bonus, and you have a spirited crowd that will cheer for you no matter what.
I discovered Sinatra’s “The Best is Yet to Come” while listening to some big band music online. The message grabbed me. Frank is singing it to a girl, and it’s a provocative love song. “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet,” he says. Could that still be true for me? I’ve asked. Is all the best stuff in life behind me now? “You think you’ve flown before, but baby, you ain’t left the ground.”
Optimism looks ahead and decides the best is yet come. Pessimism looks ahead and says the best days have already passed. I’ve always been an optimist. Tragedy in my life tried hard to change that, but I have chosen the better path: I sing. I sing songs of love and of hope. When I performed “The Best is Yet to Come,” I was telling all the dark forces in the world that I refused to stay beaten down.

Have I been through some terrible hell? Yeah. For sure. You probably have, too. When we’re in those dark times—memories, depression, despair, hopelessness about the future—the last thing we want to hear is some speech about “thinking positive.” Optimism seems a million miles away. We see very little good in our situations, and the future seems like a joke. We certainly do not want to hear a “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” message. We need a solid hope. Something to trust.
I decided that faith was a higher goal than optimism because when you have faith, you will naturally be more optimistic.
Having faith goes way beyond just “thinking positive.” It takes much more strength, diligence, discipline, and sacrifice to have faith. Positivity is only as good as your feelings in the moment. Faith is based on the character and trustworthiness of the object in which it is placed. Faith involves confidence. The Bible defines faith as “the certainty of things hoped for, a proof of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1).
When I say, or sing, “the best is yet to come,” I am declaring it to be true with extreme confidence. I know the One who controls my future. My faith is based on His perfect trustworthiness. Plus, He gives me promises about my future. For example, Job 8:7 says: “Then, even if your beginnings were modest, your final days will be full of prosperity.” Likewise, “‘The final glory of this house will be greater than the first,’ says the Lord of Hosts. ‘I will provide peace in this place’—this is the declaration of the Lord of Hosts” (Haggai 2:9).

There is also great advice in this: “Don’t say, ‘Why were the former days better than these?’ since it is not wise of you to ask this” (Ecclesiastes 7:10). Why is it not wise? Because asking such a question expresses a lack of hope—a lack of faith, and “without faith it is impossible to please God, for the one who draws near to Him must believe that He exists and rewards those who seek Him.”
Oh, yes. I’m ready for some rewards. I choose faith over fear, trust over doubt, hope over despair, and love over loss. Dear friend, the best is yet to come. Your best days are ahead of you, not behind you. You can live again, laugh again, and love again. If I can shoot for that, so can you. “Best is yet to come and babe, won’t that be fine?”
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The best is still yet to come for Project Eden, fellow Edenites! Thanks for continuing the ride with me. Stay optimistic, have faith, and be an awesome YOU!
Inspiring post for this struggling pessimist. Thank you.
A video of the karaoke would have been nice… just sayin’.
Haha! Thanks, Dave! I’m not ready to be sharing videos of my hot karaoke skills yet. A few exist, but I’ve bribed the owner to hide them away.
As for the pessimism, I totally understand. I’ve had to fight hard–really hard–to stay positive, especially over the past few years. That’s why we need faith and not just positivity. Seek faith, hold fast to it, and everything will eventually fall into place. That has been my experience…even through the flames.