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Besides creating a gripping story, realistic characters, and fantastic worlds, when writing my new novel, Planet of Eden, I also wanted to include themes that would be both familiar and challenging. One such theme is the idea of men being “real men.”

I have admitted that I am a fan of classic love stories, and, in my opinion, there is nothing more romantic than a man expressing his love to a woman through his innate strength and manhood. Whether by words, deeds, or song, a man’s love and emotions are best shared when he is allowed to be his real (authentic) self.

In Planet of Eden, I explore that idea through some interesting twists. In one plot line, a main character, Jay, is challenged by his own reluctance. How can he love someone who seems too good for him? How can he be a “real man” for a woman who can only accept perfection? As an orphan, growing up without the example of a good father, Jay learns how to be a man while being thrust into fantastic, alien surroundings. How should a real man react to all of that? With only simple and untested ideas about masculinity, Jay must lean on his faith, values, and inner strength to see him through the most difficult time of his life.  

John Eldredge, in his book Wild at Heart, says that “every man needs a battle to fight, an adventure to live and a beauty to rescue.” To me, that is the best definition of being a real man, and I find myself drawn to stories that include such elements. When a man has those things in his life, he feels the most complete. His inherent strengths will naturally be expressed in focused and controlled ways. He finds himself able to love on new levels that he never experienced before. Fighting for what is right, living adventurously, and honoring a woman are core needs for every real man. Ladies, if you are looking for one, this is what you will find a real man doing.

For more on this, read the interview with John Eldredge titled “Godly Men Shouldn’t Be Weenies.” Eldredge pulls no punches in dealing with today’s broken masculinity, but he also challenges men to rise up to their God-given potential.

The image that I chose to accompany this post touched me deeply when I first saw it. An honorable knight surrounds and protects his princess from a taunting crowd that is throwing things at her. Today, that crowd might be made up of abusive people, bad choices, lousy jobs, tough times. The girl was born to be a princess, but the world turned against her. She is still beautiful, despite her scars. A real man sees this in her. The real man fights. The real man protects. The real man loves, even if it costs him everything. Real men do that.

Until next time…stay awesome, my friends. And be real with each other.