May Eden be with you - photo of bronze Adam and Eve

Yeah…may Eden be with you. I like the sound of that.

So, I’m sitting here in front of a computer screen, listening to some great “epic battle music” (I’m a movie and game soundtrack fanatic), and trying hard not to write a blog post regarding “May the Fourth Be with You” and the modern Star Wars universe. It would be so easy to do for this recovering Star Wars fan. Why do I say “recovering?” Because after 45 years of extreme devotion to the franchise, I’ve finally—finally—moved on to other things. Why? Well…for many reasons. Mainly, I don’t care for the direction they’ve been taking the franchise since George Lucas sold it to Disney. The “magic” has sadly been lost, especially for us long-time fans. Rogue One? Loved it. The last trilogy? Mostly liked it. Mando? Liked several episodes. Then…I quit. Done. No more buying action figures, either. They got enough of my money over the past 45 years.

I used to read a lot of Star Wars novels, but those, too, have left me feeling empty. The new writers they are choosing either don’t get it, or they’re being micromanaged so much that they can’t take their stories to higher heights. Hey, I’m not suggesting that everything in the franchise has to be geared toward us fifty-somethings who grew up with classic Star Wars, but ever since Rogue One, Disney has been acting like they no longer care about the fan base that made Star Wars what it is today. I know they have to go after newer audiences to keep the business lucrative, but it’s a huge mistake to tick off the most loyal fans…and they did. Another thing. Hey, Lucasfilm? Disney? Marvel is fine for the Marvel fans, but don’t “Marvelize” Star Wars. It won’t work, it’s corny, and quite frankly the formula is already tired, anyway. Let Marvel be Marvel, and turn Star Wars back over to die-hard fans who know how to work it, like John Knoll, Doug Chiang, and Dave Filioni. Trust the fans, and put away the agendas and micromanagement. Until you do, I’m on to other things.

Sithspit! I ranted a little. Well, it is “Star Wars Day” after all. Don’t get me wrong, though. I’m not giving up completely on my beloved franchise. I’ll always be a fan of pre-Disney Star Wars. As for what comes next, I’ll be waiting…but not holding my breath.

Planet of Eden Update

Now, back to “May Eden Be with You.” The other reason I’ve freed myself from slavish devotion to my favorite franchise is that I have a new favorite franchise—Planet of Eden! Yes, Project Eden is the thing I want to focus on and promote now. So, in place of t-shirts advertising someone else’s stuff, I’m making my own Planet of Eden shirts. I’m also designing other promotional items that I hope to offer fans of the book when it comes out. Who knows, I might even make some action figures! (Okay, back to reality…)

How’s the book coming along? I’ve just finished formatting the prologue and first three chapters so I can get them to my EIC (Edenite Inner Circle) supporters. (If you want to join that exclusive group, just send a donation of any size through my gofundme page.) The rest of the manuscript is coming along nicely, too. Of course, the proofreading and minor editing never seem to end, but the novel is almost in its final form now. So close…so close. In the meantime, I’ve also been busy with the GoFundMe campaign and with researching potential artists who will create various art and media for the book. The crowdfunding campaign has stalled a bit, but that’s mostly because I need get the word out more. If you, dear Edenite, can help me in that effort, I would be most grateful. Talk about it in your social media and get others to watch my video.

It’s hard to promote a book that you haven’t even been able to read yet. I get that. The sample chapters will give you a feel for the story and an introduction to a few of the main characters, though. Regarding why I’m looking to add artwork, think of the book as a novel with a bunch of really cool visuals in it—sort of like an illustrated novel, but yet so much more.

May Eden Be With You

I believe the human race was made for Eden. Though our progenitors spoiled that situation, each of us still has a longing for Eden and all it represents. In our hearts, we have an inherent ache for what was lost, and a hope for what we might regain. There is a Way to find Eden again. In my book, I posit the existence of an Eden-like planet in a faraway galaxy. That’s fiction. In reality, we should be looking for Eden in our hearts. Can you find it there?