Many authors describe publishing a book in terms of pregnancy; you have conception, gestation, development, labor, and then—“Here it comes!”—the birth. I’ve been through two pregnancies and have two wonderful sons to show for it. Alright, so I was not the one who actually carried them for nine months, but, as a father, I had an important role to play just the same.

Today, I am the one giving birth—to a 500-page novel that was conceived nearly twenty years ago, developed in the womb of my mind and computer for over fifteen years, and has been going through labor for the past three years. Now, the time has finally come to announce: “Here it comes.”
On May 7, 2024, Planet of Eden will finally be published. My own publishing business, TALIA SEK, is making this incredible story available to readers all over the world in three formats: ebook, softcover, and hardcover. All three formats will be available through, and, through IngramSpark, the printed versions will be offered to booksellers all over the world as well as to libraries.
If you go to Amazon right now, you will see that Planet of Eden is already available for pre-order!
As I write this, I am tearing up, friends. An indescribable flood of emotions is filling my mind. I have been through so much during the development of this novel. So much “life-stuff” has happened while I’ve tapped away on the keyboard, handwrote notes, drew pictures, did research, designed layouts, and otherwise agonized through a long and difficult “pregnancy.” (Now, I understand the phrase “labor of love” even better.)
Can you relate? Reaching a milestone does this to a person. Just as you are crossing the finish line, you glance back at the distant miles and a million feelings hit you all at once. Then…there comes the victory celebration and the trophy.
If you are a parent, you know this time very well. Mom, you held the trophy after a long and arduous labor. Today, the pain is forgotten. You made it. You won. You made something beautiful. Dad, you were right there, too—supporting, worrying, planning, crying, wondering, rejoicing.

If you have not experienced literal birth, I know you can still think of a milestone achievement in your life, be it a project, passing an exam, creating a song or piece of art, building something unique, fixing something that everyone else had given up on, investing in someone who just needed a break or a second chance.
Here it comes. Consider this my birth announcement, dear friends. I’ll be providing more details very soon. Today, I just wanted to share with you my excitement and my heartfelt thanks for your support. I told you that we were getting close, and now we have the official date: on May 7, 2024, Planet of Eden is going to rock the world. Thank you for being here with me.
What Comes Next
With all the layout done and all the printing approvals behind me, I now must turn my attention to marketing this baby! Publishing a book is nice, but if hardly anyone reads it, I did it more for myself than for the world. And I want this story to be enjoyed by as many readers as possible. So, it’s time for Dan to put his 27 years of marketing and communications experience to work for himself for a change.
I will be asking all of my Edenite friends to help in getting the word out about Planet of Eden. In all my years of marketing, I have seen that word of mouth remains the most powerful advertising tool, even today. After you read it, I hope you’ll be talking up this novel in your own spheres of influence, whether via social media, personal communications, or whatever. Now that the baby is here, it will need lots of nourishment and support so it can grow.
Project Eden rolls on, friends! I’ll have a lot more news in the coming weeks. Until then, thank you, thank you, thank you! My tagline for Planet of Eden is “Find a Better Planet.” Until that happens, it’s up to you and me to make this one as good as we can get it. I’m glad you’re by my side.
How about a Facebook presence? So easy to share withour friends!
Thanks, Pam! For now, I’m relying on my fans and supporters to talk this up in their favorite platforms. Down the road, I might join some platforms. But right now I’m devoting what little free time I have to my writing. You social media warriors know what to do! 😁
Great job writing and editing this giant novel. Can’t wait to see it on the shelves of bookstores!
Me, too! I think that will be my ultimate reward. Just holding the printed galley proof in my hands is awesome. Seeing it on a bookshelf…that will REALLY make me feel like a player!
Sincerest Congrats! I’ve got no children, but as a fellow mktg & ad creative I know EXACTLY what you are feeling as you tear up, now knowing the “due date.” Although I prefer audiobooks, I’ll be buying one of the physical books, looking forward to seeing your artwork.
Thanks, Dave! I’m planning to make a Planet of Eden audiobook as well. Baby steps, right? In the meantime, I deeply appreciate your wonderful support!