Greetings, Edenites! Despite being immersed in the final edits of Planet of Eden, I found a little time to work on the book cover design again. If you remember, my first mock-up included a stylized female face—almost like a watercolor portrait—against a semitransparent space background. I liked the concept, but really wanted to use a photo of the lovely Leslie Craven from our photo shoot back in January. So, I reached out to Amy at Pretty Sleepy Art, who created that original image, and asked her if she could produce a similar one with my own photo. Amy was glad to help, and she designed the image you see below using Leslie’s face.

I so enjoy collaborating with other artistic people! I thought about attempting the design myself. I might even have done a good job of it. But doing so would have pulled me away from my editing, and I also would not have made a new creative friend (who will hopefully also become an Edenite). Sometimes, guys and ladies, we just need to let others help us.

Amy’s art is—quite literally—fantastic. She has the ability to envision otherworldly and surreal scenes and recreate them in her own unique style. Check out her work at Pretty Sleepy Art.

Okay. I’m off of doing the book cover and back to editing now. I’m on the last few chapters and super excited to be nearing the finish line on this part of Project Eden. In the meantime, keep being an excellent YOU. There’s only one person qualified for that job, and the world needs you to fill it!

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