Are you in the habit of doing a regular check-in with yourself? Taking a few moments to ask you how things are going is a healthy way to reset your day.
Think about it. You often ask others how they are doing. And friends and family probably check in on you every now and then, asking how you are doing. But when was the last time you did a personal check-in?
For me, it could look something like this: I notice that I am a bit frazzled, so I stop what I am doing, find a quiet place, get still, and say, “Dan, you’re acting like you are stressed out. What’s going on? How are you feeling?”

I am probably not going to have a conversation with myself, but asking those questions takes my mind off the stressors, helps me to examine my current emotions, and creates a mental space where I can refocus on what really matters. Mental health experts call this process “recentering.”
Once I am recentered within myself, I then take it a step further by turning my attention heavenward. “Okay, God,” I say. “I’m feeling flustered and drained right now. I’m giving this over to you, who promises me empowerment, strength, and peace.”
Unfortunately, checking in does not usually come naturally to us. Rather than immediately taking a pause, we keep right on going through our mess until we snap, collapse, or mentally check out. How much better would your daily “ride” go if you just slowed down, pulled to the side of the road, stopped, took some deep breaths, and did a simple little check-in with yourself? The secret, though, is to do this before things get too out of hand. And you don’t have to limit yourself to stressful times; make it a habit to do an emotional, mental, or spiritual check-in every day—or several times a day—even when you are feeling neutral or good. That way, you will develop a habit of self-care.
May is actually National Mental Health Awareness Month, but this idea of doing a periodic check-in with yourself has been on my mind lately, so I wanted to give you some encouragement in March!
Project Eden Update
I lost some momentum during February due to being ill and then having oral surgery (Ouch!), but as we enter March and springtime, I am filled with renewed energy! Planet of Eden has been getting some attention on my website, and I think that interest is going to grow exponentially with two new marketing initiatives. First—now, this might seem silly to you, but I am ecstatic about it—I designed a magnetic sign and installed it on the tailgate of my pickup truck.

What’s the big deal? Well, for one thing, I have never seen an author advertise his or her book on their own vehicle. Roofing, tax services, cleaning services, landscaping, yes, but a book? And why not? I live near Nashville and drive all over Middle Tennessee. Now, everywhere I go, people driving behind me will have to wonder: “What is Planet of Eden?” Then, they will pull out their phones, scan the big QR code, and find out all about the book on my website. I’m a driving billboard for Planet of Eden! For my fellow authors out there, I’ll post updates on this blog and let you know if this crazy marketing scheme works.
A second initiative is expanding my reach through more social media. Currently, I am only using this blog and my YouTube site. Soon, however, I plan to have a presence on Facebook, X, LinkedIn, and a few more outlets.
As usual, I will keep you updated through this blog, and I hope you will follow me on my new channels as well. It has taken me a while to do more social media. I’ve used it for years in my jobs as a professional marketer but have had little time to use it personally. To use social media correctly, you must create conversations, and that takes time and energy. Still, there is no denying the power of social as a marketing tool, and more people need to know about Planet of Eden. So…it’s time. (Stephanie, you will be so proud!) Thank you, fellow Edenites, for doing a check-in with me! Knowing that you are out there rooting for me helps to keep me going when things feel slow. Please know that I dearly appreciate you all! And also know that while I am marketing Eden, the next novel, Planet of Perdition, is now underway! More updates to come. Until then, be—and stay—awesome!